
愛在東京:Jay 的浪漫情侶攝影體驗

HKD2,880 HKD3,880

Jay 的鏡頭捕捉情侶之間的無言之語和最親密的時刻,將瞬間的感動變成永恆的照片。




我們的攝影師 - Jay 


Jay 的攝影之旅始於2009年,當時她擁有一台名為Holga的LOMO相機。她對攝影的熱愛使她在2011年在菲律賓創立了 Studios,拍攝婚禮和活動。儘管她在日本有成為教師的大好機會,但她對攝影的熱情並未減退。






1. 查詢時間:聯繫我們,查詢你的首選日期及時間Jay 是否有空。我們將在3小時內回覆你。
2. 預訂體驗
3. 分享你的聯繫信息:回覆確認電子郵件,提供你的WhatsApp號碼。
4. 確定拍攝:Jay 將通過WhatsApp與你聯繫,確認拍攝的詳細信息,並回答你可能有的任何問題。


讓我們一起感受從微笑中誕生的無限可能。追蹤 IG @kachickmoments 再DM我們,立即獲得神秘小禮物!


Jay's lens captures the unspoken words and intimate moments between couples, turning fleeting emotions into everlasting photos.

During this one-hour journey, you and your loved one will explore Tokyo's most romantic locations. Walk hand-in-hand under the neon lights of Shibuya Crossing, witnessing your unique love story amidst the city's heartbeat.

Share the tranquility of Meiji Shrine, where your love blossoms among the whispering trees and serene shrines.

These iconic locations provide a unique backdrop for your love story, creating unforgettable memories of your shared journey.

Our Photographer - Jay 

Jay's photography journey began in 2009 with a Holga LOMO camera. Her passion led her to establish her studio in the Philippines in 2011, focusing on weddings and events. Despite opportunities to teach in Japan, her love for photography never waned.

Now, she takes pride in capturing the real and natural emotions of families and couples in Tokyo, turning these moments into everlasting memories.

Package Highlights

  • Duration: Enjoy a 1-hour session with Jay, a local professional photographer whose specialty is encapsulating the vibrant scenes of Tokyo in each photo.
  • Souvenir of Memories: Receive a beautifully curated collection of 50-70 high-resolution digital images that serve as timeless mementos of your love and your visit to Tokyo.
  • Personalized Experience: Jay tailors the photo shoot to align with your style and preferences, ensuring the session is uniquely yours.

How to Book

  1. Check Availability: Contact us to check the local photographer's availability for your preferred date. We'll get back to you within 3 hours.
  2. Book the Experience
  3. Share Your Contact Information: Reply to the confirmation email with your WhatsApp number.
  4. Finalize the Shoot: A photographer will reach out to you via WhatsApp to confirm the photoshoot details and answer any questions you may have. 

Follow us on IG @kachickmoments and DM us to get a special gift on the house!