

$2,680 $3,680



我們的攝影師 - Uma



  • 時間:與在大阪專門捕捉753慶典精神的Uma同行拍攝1小時
  • 定制753體驗:Uma將重點突出753儀式的傳統方面,特別關注和服和傳統配飾
  • 回憶紀念品:你將收到一系列70張高解析度數位圖像,可以終身保存。
  • 個性化體驗:拍攝將根據753慶典的文化意義量身定制,確保捕捉到這一重要日子的精髓。


  1. 拍攝許可證: 根據你最終選擇的拍攝地點,可能會需要申請通常費用不超過HKD 300的拍攝許可,你的攝影師會幫助申請許可證。請於當天直接支付給攝影師。
  2. 入場費: 根據你最終選擇的拍攝地點,可能會需要入場費,請於當天直接支付場地。
  3. 取消政策:
    10 - 29天前取消:收取20%

    KaChick Moments Club會員可以享受免天氣影響保護,於拍攝當天也能免費改期並100%退款。
  4. 租和服:和服租借費用不包含在體驗價格中,但我們的攝影師很樂意為你推薦高品質的當地店舖。
  5. 遲到:遲到將導致你的拍攝時間縮短,或支付額外費用以延長拍攝時間(HKD 500 / 30分鐘)。請確保預留足夠的時間以便準時與攝影師會合。


  1. 查詢時間:聯繫我們,查詢你的首選日期及時間攝影師是否有空。我們將在3小時內回覆你。
  2. 預訂體驗
  3. 分享你的聯繫信息:回覆確認電子郵件,提供你的WhatsApp號碼。
  4. 確定拍攝:攝影師將通過WhatsApp與你聯繫,確認拍攝的詳細信息,並回答你可能有的任何問題。

讓我們一起感受從微笑中誕生的無限可能。追蹤 IG @kachickmoments 再DM我們,立即獲得神秘小禮物!


Embrace the traditional Japanese celebration of Shichi-Go-San with our special 753 photo experience in Osaka. This milestone event deserves to be captured in the most memorable way, and our photographer Uma is here to do just that. 

Set against the backdrop of Osaka's vibrant landscapes and serene shrines, Uma will photograph your child in their charming kimono, encapsulating the spirit of this age-old tradition. Engage in an experience that is not only a photoshoot but a celebration of growth and well-being.

Our Photographer - Uma

Uma is a professional photographer with a passion for family events and a special knack for working with children. His playful approach ensures that children are comfortable and natural in front of the camera, resulting in genuine and joyful photographs. Uma is excited to be a part of your family's 753 celebration!

Package Highlights:

  • Duration: 1-hour session with Uma, capturing the essence of the 753 celebration.
  • Custom 753 Experience: Uma will focus on highlighting the traditional aspects of the 753 ceremony, including special attention to the kimono and traditional accessories.
  • Souvenir of Memories: Receive a beautiful collection of 70 high-resolution digital images that will keep this special milestone alive forever.
  • Personalized Experience: The shoot will be tailored to reflect the cultural significance of the 753 celebration, ensuring that the essence of this important day is captured.

*This package is applicable for 4 people max. Additional fee will be charged for more people. Please enquire separately.

Important Notes

  1. Shooting Permit: Depending on your final shooting location, a permit that usually costs less than HKD 300 may be required. Your photographer will help with the permit application. Please pay the photographer directly on the day.
  2. Entrance Fee: Depending on your final shooting location, you may need to pay an extra entrance fee. Please pay the venue directly on the day.
  3. Cancellation Policy:
    More than 30 days prior - No charge
    10 - 29 days prior - 20% 
    Within 9 days before - 50%
    Cancel on shooting day - 100%
    KaChick Club Members can enjoy weatherproof protections with FREE rescheduling and 100% refund until shooting day
  4. Kimono Rental: Kimono rental is not included in this experience price, but we are happy to recommend high-quality local Kimono rental shops for you.
  5. Late Arrivals: Late arrivals will result in shortened shooting time or additional charges for extending the shoot (HKD 500 / 30 mins). So make sure you allow a buffer for traveling to meet the photographer and be on time.

How to Book

  1. Check Availability: Contact us to check the local photographer's availability for your preferred date. We'll get back to you within 3 hours.
  2. Book the Experience
  3. Share Your Contact Information: Reply to the confirmation email with your WhatsApp number.
  4. Finalize the Shoot: A photographer will reach out to you via WhatsApp to confirm the photoshoot details and answer any questions you may have. 

Follow us on IG @kachickmoments and DM us to get a special gift on the house!