

$2,680 $3,680

加入 Jenny 的 1.5 小時東京之旅,捕捉你的家庭在這座城市最迷人背景前的歡樂時光!


台場的未來風燈光照亮你的家庭最幸福的表情,創造出傳統與現代的對比,就像東京本身一樣。立即查詢,讓Jenny 記錄你們一家最美的故事!

我們的攝影師 - Jenny

來認識你在東京的專屬攝影師 Jenny。她擁有捕捉微妙情節的敏銳眼光,擅長多種攝影風格,從溫馨的家庭肖像到優雅的婚紗照,專門將平凡時刻變成非凡回憶。

她不只捕捉影像,更是創造一個個獨特的旅行故事。Jenny 的專業技術確保無論是孩子的玩耍微笑、家庭的蒙笑聲,還是一個溫柔的擁抱,那一刻的情感都會永遠被封存在美麗的照片中。


  • 時間:與專門捕捉東京美景的Jenny同行拍攝1.5小時
  • 1個位於東京市內的自選地點。
  • 回憶紀念品: 你將收到一系列100高解析度原檔,追加25張後制照片,可以終身保存。
  • 個性化體驗: 無論你是單獨旅行者、情侶還是一群朋友,攝影師將根據你的偏好度身定造拍攝,確保這次體驗令你難忘!


  1. 拍攝許可證: 根據你最終選擇的拍攝地點,可能會需要申請通常費用不超過HKD 300的拍攝許可,你的攝影師會幫助申請許可證。請於當天直接支付給攝影師。
  2. 入場費: 根據你最終選擇的拍攝地點,可能會需要入場費,請於當天直接支付場地。
  3. 取消政策:
    10 - 29天前取消:收取20%

    KaChick Moments Club會員可以享受免天氣影響保護,於拍攝當天也能免費改期並100%退款。
  4. 租和服:和服租借費用不包含在體驗價格中,但我們的攝影師很樂意為你推薦高品質的當地店舖。
  5. 遲到:遲到將導致你的拍攝時間縮短,或支付額外費用以延長拍攝時間(HKD 500 / 30分鐘)。請確保預留足夠的時間以便準時與攝影師會合。


1. 查詢時間:聯繫我們查詢你首選日期的攝影師是否有空。我們將在3小時內回覆你。
2. 預訂體驗
3. 分享你的聯繫信息:回覆確認郵件,提供你的WhatsApp號碼。
4. 確定拍攝:攝影師將通過WhatsApp與你聯繫,確定拍攝的詳細信息,並回答你可能有的任何問題。

讓我們一起感受從微笑中誕生的無限可能。追蹤 IG @kachickmoments 再DM我們,立即獲得神秘小禮物!


Our Photographer - Jenny

Meet Jenny, your dedicated photographer in Tokyo, who specializes in turning ordinary moments into extraordinary memories. With a keen eye for both the grand and the intimate, Jenny excels in a variety of photographic styles, from heartwarming family portraits to elegant pre-wedding photos and everything in between.

Her approach is not just about capturing images but about creating a sophisticated narrative of your visit. Jenny's expertise ensures that whether it's a playful child's smile, a family's shared laughter, or a quiet, tender family hug, the spirit and joy of the moment are forever encapsulated in beautiful, high-quality photographs.

Package Highlights

  • Duration: 1.5-hour with local professional photographer Jenny, who specializes in capturing the essence of Tokyo.
  • Location: 1 location within Tokyo Area Only.
  • Souvenir of Memories: You'll receive a collection of 100 raw and 25 edited high-resolution digital images that will keep the spirit of your journey alive forever.
  • Personalized Experience: Jenny tailors each session to reflect the unique personalities and preferences of your family. Whether you're looking for playful, candid shots in a park or more structured, scenic portraits with Tokyo's urban landscape, Jenny's adaptability ensures your family's essence is captured in every frame.

*This package is applicable for 4 people max. Additional fee will be charged for more people. Please enquire separately.

Important Notes

  1. Shooting Permit: Depending on your final shooting location, a permit that usually costs less than HKD 300 may be required. Your photographer will help with the permit application. Please pay the photographer directly on the day.
  2. Entrance Fee: Depending on your final shooting location, you may need to pay an extra entrance fee. Please pay the venue directly on the day.
  3. Cancellation Policy:
    More than 30 days prior - No charge
    10 - 29 days prior - 20% 
    Within 9 days before - 50%
    Cancel on shooting day - 100%
    KaChick Club Members can enjoy weatherproof protections with FREE rescheduling and 100% refund until shooting day
  4. Kimono Rental: Kimono rental is not included in this experience price, but we are happy to recommend high-quality local Kimono rental shops for you.
  5. Late Arrivals: Late arrivals will result in shortened shooting time or additional charges for extending the shoot (HKD 500 / 30 mins). So make sure you allow a buffer for traveling to meet the photographer and be on time.

How to Book

  1. Check Availability: Contact us to check the local photographer's availability for your preferred date. We'll get back to you within 3 hours.
  2. Book the Experience
  3. Share Your Contact Information: Reply to the confirmation email with your WhatsApp number.
  4. Finalize the Shoot: A photographer will reach out to you via WhatsApp to confirm the photoshoot details and answer any questions you may have.

Follow us on IG @kachickmoments and DM us to get a special gift on the house!