
鹿兒島抓拍:Ima 的歡樂家庭攝影體驗

$2,680 $3,680

與專業家庭攝影師 Ima 一起,探索鹿兒島充滿活力的風景和豐富的文化,體驗獨一無二的一小時攝影之旅。

讓 Ima 帶領你穿梭於城市中令人驚嘆的自然背景,如櫻島——日本最活躍的火山之一,提供了令人驚嘆的場景,為難忘的家庭拍攝留下完美背景。


我們的攝影師 - Ima

介紹 Ima,一位來自鹿兒島的攝影師,以他在活動攝影上的專業知識而聞名,包括婚禮、成人禮和兒童這些重要時刻的攝影。

Ima 出生於1993年,手持他值得信賴的佳能相機,為每一張照片帶來生動和當代的觸感,確保你的家庭照不只是圖片,而是被時間保存的故事。

他的哲學圍繞著提供高質量的攝影服務,使每個人都可享有專業的家庭肖像。Ima 隨和的個性使他成為家庭們的寵兒,確保你有一個輕鬆愉快的攝影體驗。


  • 時間:與專門捕捉鹿兒島美景的Ima同行拍攝1小時
  • 回憶紀念品: 你將收到一系列高解析度數位圖像,可以終身保存。
  • 個性化體驗: Ima 的拍攝會根據每個家庭的需求和偏好度身訂造。他會花時間了解你的願景並將其融入拍攝中。




  1. 查詢時間:聯繫我們,查詢你的首選日期及時間攝影師是否有空。我們將在3小時內回覆你。
  2. 預訂體驗
  3. 分享你的聯繫信息:回覆確認電子郵件,提供你的WhatsApp號碼。
  4. 確定拍攝:攝影師將通過WhatsApp與你聯繫,確認拍攝的詳細信息,並回答你可能有的任何問題。

讓我們一起感受從微笑中誕生的無限可能。記得在社交媒體上標記 @kachickmoments 分享你的快樂時刻! 


Discover the vibrant landscapes and cultural richness of Kagoshima with Ima, your dedicated family photographer, during a unique 1-hour photo experience.

Let Ima guide you through the city's stunning natural backdrops like the Sakurajima, one of Japan's most active volcanoes, providing a dramatic and awe-inspiring setting for unforgettable family portraits. Wander through the serene Sengan-en Garden, where traditional Japanese aesthetics and the area’s natural beauty provide a perfect tableau for capturing your family moments.

The historical streets of Kagoshima, lined with samurai houses and quaint shops, offer a glimpse into the past, making it an ideal scene for those looking to immerse their family memories in a place where every corner tells a story.

Ima's intuitive understanding of light and location will ensure that your family's essence is captured amidst these enchanting surroundings.

Our Photographer - Ima

Introducing Ima, a skilled photographer from Kagoshima, renowned for his expertise in event photography including weddings, coming-of-age ceremonies, and children's milestones.

Born in 1993 and wielding his trusted Canon, Ima brings a vibrant and contemporary touch to every shot, ensuring that your family photos are not just pictures, but stories preserved in time.

His philosophy revolves around offering quality photography and making professional family portraits accessible to everyone. Ima's approachable manner and easygoing personality make him a favorite among families, ensuring a relaxed and enjoyable photo session.

Whether capturing candid moments or more posed arrangements, Ima's work reflects the joy and intimacy of family connections.

Package Highlights

  • Duration: 1-hour photography session with Ima, a local expert known for his dynamic family and event photography in Kagoshima.
  • Location: 1 location within Kagoshima.
  • Souvenir of Memories: You will receive a curated collection of 50-70 high-resolution digital images that will be cherished for a lifetime.
  • Personalized Experience: Ima's sessions are tailored to the needs and preferences of each family. He takes the time to understand your vision and incorporates it into the shoot, whether you prefer the lush settings of botanical gardens or the historical ambiance of Kagoshima’s heritage sites.

*This package is applicable for 4 people max. Additional fee will be charged for more people. Please enquire separately.

**Kimono rental is not included in the experience price, we can recommend high-quality local Kimono rental shops.

How to Book

  1. Check Availability: Contact us to check the local photographer's availability for your preferred date. We'll get back to you within 3 hours.
  2. Book the Experience
  3. Share Your Contact Information: Reply to the confirmation email with your WhatsApp number.
  4. Finalize the Shoot: A photographer will reach out to you via WhatsApp to confirm the photoshoot details and answer any questions you may have.

Remember to tag @‌kachickmoments on social media to share your happy moments!