
與攝影師 Uma 於大阪捕捉快樂家庭時光

HKD2,680 HKD3,680

跟著當地的專業攝影師 Uma 一起探索大阪的熱鬧中心,發掘大阪城及其廣闊花園的魅力。漫步於道頓堀的繁忙街道,尋找充滿活力的城市背景,或在梅田河畔尋找一片寧靜。

Uma 的專業會帶你到五彩繽紛的 Expo City, 或歷史悠久的住吉大社等風景如畫的地點,確保你的家庭照片不單是圖片,更是你在大阪旅行中的珍貴寶藏。


我們的攝影師 - Uma

Uma 是一位技術高超的攝影師,擅長捕捉家庭互動時的自然與快樂,特別是拍攝玩耍中孩子的點滴。她的理念「晴天、雨天」反映了她慶祝日常時刻的能力,讓每一次拍攝都獨一無二。

Uma 的友善方式讓她的攝影體驗非常輕鬆,非常適合有小孩的家庭。有了 Uma,你家庭的回憶將在大阪的絕美背景中被完美捕捉。


  • 時間與專門捕捉大阪美景的Uma同行拍攝1小時
  • 回憶紀念品:你將收到一系列70張高解析度數位圖像,可以終身保存。
  • 度身訂造的體驗:Uma會根據你家人的風格和喜好來定制照片拍攝,確保這場體驗獨一無二。




  1. 查詢時間:聯繫我們,查詢你的首選日期及時間攝影師是否有空。我們將在3小時內回覆你。
  2. 預訂體驗
  3. 分享你的聯繫信息:回覆確認電子郵件,提供你的WhatsApp號碼。
  4. 確定拍攝:攝影師將通過WhatsApp與你聯繫,確認拍攝的詳細信息,並回答你可能有的任何問題。

讓我們一起感受從微笑中誕生的無限可能。追蹤 IG @kachickmoments 再DM我們,立即獲得神秘小禮物!


Explore the vibrant heart of Osaka with Uma, your expert local photographer, perfect for families visiting from Hong Kong. Discover the charm of Osaka Castle with its sprawling gardens, perfect for playful and serene family shots. Wander through the bustling streets of Dotonbori for lively urban backdrops, or find peace along the riverside of Umeda. 

Uma's expertise will guide you to picturesque spots like the colorful Expo City or the historical Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, ensuring your family photos are not just pictures but treasures of your journey in Osaka. Capture every laugh and tender moment in this dynamic city, making your visit truly unforgettable.

Our Photographer - Uma

Uma is a skilled photographer whose specialty is capturing the spontaneity and joy of families interacting, particularly skilled in photographing children at play. His philosophy, "sunny days, rainy days", reflects his ability to capture both the celebratory and everyday moments, making every photo session unique. 

Uma's friendly approach makes her sessions fun and relaxed, ideal for families with young children. With Uma, your family's essence will be beautifully captured amidst the stunning backdrops of Osaka.

Package Highlights

  • Duration: Enjoy a 1-hour session with Uma, a local professional photographer whose specialty is encapsulating the vibrant scenes of Osaka in each photo.
  • Souvenir of Memories: Receive a beautifully curated collection of 70 high-resolution digital images that serve as timeless mementos of your love and your visit to Osaka.
  • Personalized Experience: Uma tailors the photo shoot to align with your family’s style and preferences, ensuring the session is uniquely yours.

*Depending on the location, there might be an additional transportation fee. 

**This package is applicable for 4 people max. Additional fee will be charged for more people. Please enquire separately.

How to Book

  1. Check Availability: Contact us to check the local photographer's availability for your preferred date. We'll get back to you within 3 hours.
  2. Book the Experience
  3. Share Your Contact Information: Reply to the confirmation email with your WhatsApp number.
  4. Finalize the Shoot: A photographer will reach out to you via WhatsApp to confirm the photoshoot details and answer any questions you may have. 

Follow us on IG @kachickmoments and DM us to get a special gift on the house!