
與Thu Do一同品味東京回憶橫丁的美味




回憶橫丁,也被稱為"Memory Lane"或"Piss Alley",以其地道的餐飲體驗、歷史、充滿能量的繁忙街道,成為了必訪的地點。橫丁的獨特氛圍為捕捉你在東京的獨特記憶提供了一個非凡的設定。

在這個體驗,Thu Do將引導你穿過回憶橫丁的熱鬧街道,在它的不朽魅力中拍下懾人美照。作為當地專家,Thu Do更可以為你推薦美味的當地美食,讓你好好品嚐之餘,一邊捕捉你享受的開心過程。這個套餐適合尋求真正難忘的東京體驗的夫婦、家庭、或獨自旅行的旅客。

透過她捕捉真實情感的專長,Thu Do將在這個迷人的地段創造出突顯你獨特風格的精美照片。


我們的攝影師 - Thu Do

Thu Do是一位才華橫溢的越南攝影師,她在東京生活並捕捉令人屏息的瞬間已經有8年時間。

Thu Do專門從事各種類型的攝影,對為所有旅客創建驚人的體驗充滿熱情,並以此理念進行每一次的照片導覽。

請隨時向Thu Do提出任何建議,她非常開放反饋。


  • 與在東京擁有8年經驗的越南攝影師Thu Do的一小時專業拍攝
  • 在活躍且迷人的淺草的回憶橫丁拍攝
  • 30張高品質修飾和80+原檔照片,供你珍藏一生完美的紀念品
  • 回憶你於東京繁華飲食街的完美紀念品



    1. 查詢時間:聯繫我們,查詢你的首選日期及時間Thu Do是否有空。我們將在3小時內回覆你。
    2. 預訂體驗
    3. 分享你的聯繫信息:回覆確認電子郵件,提供你的WhatsApp號碼。
    4. 確定拍攝:Thu Do將通過WhatsApp與你聯繫,確認拍攝的詳細信息,並回答你可能有的任何問題。

    別忘了在你的社交媒體帖子中標籤 @kachickmoments,分享你在東京的難忘時刻!


    Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of Omoide Yokocho with Thu's 1-hour photo package. This lively, nostalgic Japanese eating alley is nestled in the culturally rich Shinjuku district, known for its narrow streets, charming izakayas, and an atmosphere that transports you back to the post-war era.

    Omoide Yokocho, also known as "Memory Lane" or "Piss Alley," is a must-visit location for its authentic dining experience, fascinating history, and the bustling energy that permeates its streets. The alley's distinctive ambiance provides an extraordinary setting for capturing your unique memories in Tokyo.

    During this session, Thu will guide you through the vibrant streets of Omoide Yokocho, snapping candid shots amid the timeless charm of this exciting dining scene. As a local expert, Thu can also recommend delicious local delicacies for you to savor while she captures your enjoyment in the photos. This package is perfect for couples, families, and solo travelers seeking a truly memorable Tokyo experience.

    Through her expertise in capturing authentic emotions, Thu will create stunning photos that showcase your unique personality in this fascinating setting.

    Our Photographer - Thu Do

    Thu is a talented Vietnamese photographer who has been living and capturing breathtaking moments in Tokyo for the past 8 years.

    Specializing in various types of photography, Thu is passionate about creating an amazing experience for all travelers and takes this philosophy with every photo guided tour.

    Please feel free to ask Thu for any suggestions, as she is very open to feedback.

    Package Highlights

    • 1-hour professional photoshoot with Thu, a Vietnamese-born photographer with 8 years of experience in Tokyo
    • Shooting at the lively and charming Asakusa's Omoide Yokocho
    • 30 high-quality retouched and 80+ raw digital images to treasure for a lifetime
    • Perfect keepsake to remember your candid moments in the heart of Tokyo's vibrant dining scene

    *This package is for 4 adults max. Additional adult will incur a fee of @HKD 400.

    How to Book

    1. Check Availability: Contact us to check Thu's availability for your preferred date. We'll get back to you within 3 hours.
    2. Book the Experience
    3. Share Your Contact Information: Reply to the confirmation email with your WhatsApp number.
    4. Finalize the Shoot: Our photographer, Thu, will reach out to you via WhatsApp to confirm the photoshoot details and answer any questions you may have.

    Remember to tag @kachickmoments on social media to share your happy moments!